Photodegradation of RB5 dye with modified zeolites: influence of temperature and UV irradiation. Leer más...
IGZO thin films deposited by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis: effect of Zn precursor milling and In and Ga concentration. Leer más...
Effect of solutions acidity on Haacke’s Figure of Merit of ZnO and ZnO:F thin films deposited by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis. Leer más...
Structural, Electrical and Optical Properties of ZnO Films Deposited by Ultrasonic Chemical Spraying for Application as Transparent Conductors. Leer más...
Tbx-Zn1-x-BDC MOF films synthesized in-situ by the aero-sol-assisted chemical vapor deposition. Leer más...
Bifunctional low-Pt content nanocatalysts supported on carbons functionalized with a Cu-organometallic compound: Tailoring of d-band center with high catalytic activity for electrochemical oxygen reac Leer más...
Effective phosphorus removal using transformed water hyacinth: Performance evaluation in fixed-bed columns and practical applications. Leer más...
Gas sensing capabilities of sol–gel dip-coated pure SnO2 thin films for CO and C3H8 detection. Leer más...