

Study of FZO thin films deposited by ultrasonic spray: influence of precursor milling.

Barrón, G.B., Olvera, M.L.


In this work, the results of the study of ZnO:F (FZO) films deposited on glass substrates using the ultrasonic chemical spray technique are reported. For the preparation of the films, starting solutions were used at a concentration of 0.2 M of zinc acetate dihydrate [Zn(CH3COO)2.2H2O]) dissolved in a mixture of deionized water:methanol:acetic acid. The precursor was previously ground in a planetary ball mill at 500 rpm at different times. For the addition of the dopant, a 1.6 M solution of ammonium fluoride in deionized water was prepared NH4F. The atomic ratio of [F]/[F + Zn] remained constant at 30 at%. Structural characterizations by X-ray diffraction, morphological by scanning electron microscopy, optical by UV–Vis spectroscopy, and electrical by Hall effect were performed on all deposited films. From the analysis of results, the hexagonal wurtzite phase was confirmed, and a variation of the morphology was observed depending on the deposit conditions. In general, the films presented high optical transmittance in the visible region and the n-type conductivity was confirmed.


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