

“Characterization of residential proximity to sources of environmental carcinogens in clusters of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in San Luis Potosi, Mexico”

Lizet Jarquin-Yañez, Monica Imelda Martinez-Acuña, Ivan Lopez-Arevalo, Jaqueline Calderon Hernandez




Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) is the most prevalent neoplasia in children and teenagers in Mexico. Although epidemiological data supports that children's residence close to emissions from vehicular traffic or industrial processes increases the risk of ALL; and the IARC states that benzene, PAHs, and PM 2.5 are well-known environmental carcinogens, there is a gap in linking these carcinogenic hazards with the sources and their distribution from scenario perspective.


To identify ALL clusters in the population under 19 years of age and characterize the environment at the neighborhood level by integrating information on sources of carcinogenic exposure using spatial analysis techniques in the Metropolitan Area of San Luis Potosi, Mexico.


Using the Kernel Density test, we designed an ecological study to identify ALL clusters from incident cases in the population under 19 years of age. A multicriteria analysis was conducted to characterize the risk at the community level from carcinogenic sources. A hierarchical cluster analysis was performed to characterize risk at the individual level based on carcinogenic source count within 1 km for each ALL case.


Eight clusters of carcinogenic sources were located within the five identified ALL clusters. The multicriteria analysis showed high-risk areas (by density of carcinogenic source) within ALL clusters.


This study has a limited source and amount of available data on ALL cases, so selection bias is present as well as the inability to rule out residual confounding factors, since covariates were not included. However, in this study, children living in environments with high vehicular density, gas stations, brick kilnsincinerators, commercial establishments burning biomass, or near industrial zones may be at higher risk for ALL.


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