Emilio Galván- The bidirectional role of GABAA and GABAB receptors during the differentiation process of neural precursor cells of the subventricular zone Leer más...
Emilio Galván- Postnatal hypofunction of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors alters perforant path synaptic plasticity and filtering and impairs dentate gyrus-mediated spatial discrimination Leer más...
Alonso Guasti- Estradiol modulates the role of the spinal α6-subunit containing GABAA receptors in female rats with neuropathic pain Leer más...
Germán Álvarez Mendiola (2024). H. 9. México.Educación Superior en Iberoamérica. Informe 2024 Leer más...
De Vries, W., & Álvarez Mendiola, G. (2024). The effects of ICT on Higher Education in Mexico Leer más...
Schuetze, H., de Vries, W., & Alvarez Mendiola, G. (2024). Digitalization of Higher Education: An Introduction Leer más...