

CO2 gas sensing properties of ZnO nanorods: comparison of seed layer deposition temperatura


Resumen. In this work, ZnO nanorods were grown by chemical bath deposition technique on substrates which were previously deposited with ZnO seed layers (SL’s). The seed layercs were deposited by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis at different deposition temperatures. The average grain size of seed layers was 129, 140 and 48.4 nm for seed layers deposited at 250, 350 and 450 °C, respectively. Nanorods grown on SL´s deposited at 250 and 350 °C have parallel orientation as well as perpendicular orientation to the substrate. On the other hand, nanorods grown on seed layer deposited at 450°C have perpendicular orientation and have a uniform size and shape. The average rod diameters decreased as the deposition temperature of seed layer increased, from 308 to 78 nm. Nanorods exhibit good crystalline quality and preferential orientation in the (002) plane, as well as green photoluminescence at room temperature for UV excitation wavelength. CO2 gas sensing properties of both as deposited seed layers and nanorods were obtained and reported in this work. Increment in deposition temperature showed a substantial increase in CO2 sensing response for both SL’s and nanorods. Also, ZnO nanorods sensing response showed different advantages in comparison with ZnO seed layers such as higher sensing response, 9 times faster response and recovery times and a complete resistance recovery which makes its utilizable in practical monitoring devices.

Autores. Arturo Escobosa Echavarría
Revista. J Mater Sci: Mater Electron


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