

Robust algorithm for the detection and classification of QRS complexes with different morphologies using the continuous spline wavelet transform with automatic scale detection


This work presents an algorithm for the detection and classification of QRS complexes based on the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) with splines. This approach can evaluate the CWT at any integer scale and the analysis is not restricted to powers of two. The QRS detector comprises four stages: implementation of CWT with splines, detection of QRS complexes, searching for undetected QRS complexes, and correction of the R wave peak location in detected QRS complexes. After, the onsets and ends of the QRS complexes are detected. The algorithm was evaluated with synthetic ECG and with the manually annotated databases: MIT-BIH Arrhythmia, European ST-T, QT and PTB Diagnostic ECG. Evaluation results of the QRS detector were: MIT-BIH arrhythmia database (109,447 beats analyzed), sensitivity Se = 99.72% and positive predictivity P+ = 99.87%; European ST-T database (790522 beats analyzed), Se = 99.92% and P+ = 99.55% and QT database (86498 beats analyzed), Se = 99.97% and P+ = 99.99%. To evaluate the delineation algorithm of the QRS onset (Qi) and QRS end (J) with the QT and PTB Diagnostic ECG databases, the mean and standard deviations of the differences between the automatic and manual annotated location of these points were calculated. The standard deviations were close to the accepted tolerances for deviations determined by the CSE experts. The proposed algorithm is robust to noise, artifacts and baseline drifts, classifies QRS complexes, automatically selects the CWT scale according to the sampling frequency of the ECG record used, and adapts to changes in the heart rate, amplitude and morphology of QRS complexes.


  • Carlos Alvarado-Serrano

Revista: Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express



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24/02/2025 01:02:16 p. m.