

Quintessence and scalar dark matter in the Universe

Tonatiuh Matos and L Arturo Ureña-López



Continuing on from previous works, we present a cosmological model in which dark matter and dark energy are modelled by scalar fields Φ and Ψ, respectively, endowed with the scalar potentials V(Φ) = Vo[cosh (λ√κoΦ) - 1] and (Ψ) = o[sinh (α√κoΨ)]β. This model contains a 95% scalar field. We obtain that the scalar dark matter mass is mΦ~10-26 eV. The solution obtained allows us to recover the success of standard cold dark matter. The implications on the formation of structure are reviewed. We obtain that the minimal cut-off radio for this model is rc ~ 1.2 kpc.

DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/17/13/101


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