

Accelerated Cosmic Expansion

Proceedings of the Fourth International Meeting On Gravitation and Cosmology



This volume is a collection of papers representing the proceedings of the IV International Meeting on Gravitation and Cosmology, which took place on May 21-25, 2012, in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
This meeting was sponsored by ICTP-Trieste (Italy) and COECyTJAL— Universidad de Guadalajara (México). The conference is part of a series of scientific meetings devoted to current and selected topics in gravitation and cosmology. These meetings began at the Universidad Central Marta Abreu de la Villas in Santa Clara, Cuba, in 2004.
The goal of this meeting was to attract the attention of leading experts in the fields of gravitation and cosmology. The subjects discussed provided both an update and an evaluation of the state of alternative theories of gravity, in connection with the issue of the accelerating expansion of the universe. Topics reviewed included f(R) theories, dark matter and dark energy issues, Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) models, scalar tensor theories derived from non-Riemannian geometries, emergent universes and the cosmological constant. Attendees included younger and senior researchers as well as graduate students. All contributions in this volume have been refereed by the scientific committee.
Finally, we would like to thank to all those who helped us to make this meeting such a success. In particular, we would like to express our grateful thanks to Professor
Israel Quiros for bringing the event to the Universidad de Guadalajara. Special thanks goes out as well to the authorities of the Universidad de Guadalajara for their support during the meeting.

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-02063-1


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