

Online Measurement of Dioxin Emission in Solid Waste Incineration Using Fuzzy Broad Learning


Dioxin (DXN) is a persistent organic pollutant produced from municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) processes. It is a crucial environmental indicator to minimize emission concentration by using optimization control, but it is difficult to monitor in real time. Aiming at online soft-sensing of DXN emission, a novel fuzzy tree broad learning system (FTBLS) is proposed, which includes offline training and online measurement. In the offline training part, weighted k -means is presented to construct a typical sample pool for reduced learning costs of offline and online phases. Moreover, the novel FTBLS, which contains a feature mapping layer, enhance layer, and increment layer, by replacing the fuzzy decision tree with neurons applied to construct the offline model. In the online measurement part, recursive principal component analysis is used to monitor the time-varying characteristic of the MSWI process. To measure DXN emission, offline FTBLS is reused for normal samples; for drift samples, fast incremental learning is used for online updates. A DXN data from the actual MSWI process is employed to prove the usefulness of FTBLS, where the RMSE of training and testing data are 0.0099 and 0.0216, respectively. This result shows that FTBLS can effectively realize DXN online prediction


  • Wen Yu 

Revista IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
doi: 10.1109/TII.2023.3259419.


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