

Quality Assessment and Semantic Representation of the Module on Cyberbullying


Annually, in Mexico, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography publishes a dataset called Module on Cyberbullying (MOCIBA). The article presents the evaluation of the quality of data collected in 2021 based on the ISO/IEC 25012 standard with the aim of promoting the reuse of public information distributed as open data. A mixed methodology of search and review of the dataset, its 277 catalogs, data dictionary, questionnaire, report of main results and metadata was implemented. The results are: semantic accuracy (99%), syntactic accuracy (100%), completeness (96%), consistency (100%), credibility (100%), timeliness (100%), accessibility (100%), conformity (100%), precision (100%), comprehensibility (93%), efficiency (60%), availability (100%) and portability (100%). Subsequently, an ontology written in Spanish language is described, this formally represents the concepts and their relationships from the documents of MOCIBA 2021.

Cyberbullying, Harassment, Violence on the Network, INEGI, Evaluation of Open Data quality, Ontologies, Vocabularies, Semantic Web, Information and Communication Technologies.


Eduardo López Domínguez.


IEEE Latin America Transactions.



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