

Unit intensification for exothermic chemical reactors via minimum stabilization time


Autor: Ricardo Aguilar López

Revista: Chemical Engineering Science

Resumen: Process intensification has recently opened challenges to enhance production, performance and yielding by distinct variables related to stable operation, process configuration, and economical and environmental concerns. Indeed, the process intensification offers scientific opportunities and challenges onto processes operation to achieve the indicators of the sustainable development. Here, the intensification problem is formulated as a cascade feedback interconnection, where the temperature is robustly stabilized and the minim-time stabilization of the product concentration is simultaneously tackled. The contribution deals with a CSTR whose convergence time for stable steady-state operation can be minimized, which promotes: (i) minimizing the transitive operation to reduce the yielding deviation and (ii) enhancing the production performance along larger time with a given reaction volume. In this sense, the contribution shows that unit intensification of chemical reactors is feasible when reconfiguration, optimal design or other intensification alternatives are unavailable.


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