

Proteome and Immunogenicity Differences in Bcg Pasteur Atcc 35734 and Its Derivative, the Vaccine Candidate Bcgabcg1419c During Planktonic Growth in 7h9 and Proskauer Beck Media


Autor: Jesús Bernardino Velázquez Fernández

Revista: Tuberculosis

Resumen: Bacillus Calmette–Guèrin (BCG) remains as the only vaccine employed to prevent tuberculosis (TB) during childhood. Among factors likely contributing to the variable efficacy of BCG is the modification in its antigenic repertoire that may arise from in vitro growth conditions. Our vaccine candidate, BCGΔBCG1419c, improved protection against TB in mice and guinea pigs with bacteria grown in either 7H9 OADC Tween 80 or in Proskauer Beck Tween 80 media in independent studies. Here, we compared the proteomes of planktonic cultures of BCG and BCGΔBCG1419c, grown in both media. Further to this, we compared systemic immunogenicity ex vivo elicited by both types of BCG strains and cultures when used to vaccinate BALB/c mice. Both the parental strain BCG Pasteur ATCC 35734, and its isogenic mutant BCGΔBCG1419c, had several medium-dependent changes. Moreover, ex vivo immune responses to a multiantigenic (PPD) or a single antigenic (Ag85A) stimulus were also medium-dependent. Then, not only the presence or absence of the BCG1419c gene in our strains under study affected the proteome produced in vitro but also that this was affected by culture medium, potentially leading to changes in the capacity to induce ex vivo immune responses.


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