

Monitoring Ethanol Fermentation in Real Time by a Robust State Observer for Uncertainties


Autores: Ricardo Aguilar López y Frederic Thalasso

Revista: Chemical Engineering & Technology

Resumen: In this article, the problem of real-time estimation of the fermentative ethanol process is tackled. The considered observer is a model-based technique that is robust regarding the model parameter uncertainties and inline noisy measurements. An unstructured kinetic model was used to describe the production of ethanol in a batch bioreactor for Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The biomass concentration was selected as the measured bioreactor´s output via an inline device, where the estimate variables were the substrate and ethanol concentrations. An experimental prototype was constructed to demonstrate the observer's real-time performance. The experimental results show that the robust, smooth sliding mode observer performs better than the standard proportional sliding mode observer.


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