

Fine-Scale Spatial Variability of Greenhouse Gas Emissions From a Subantarctic Peatland Bog


Autor: Frederic Thalasso

Revista: Environmental Science & Technology

Resumen: Peatlands are recognized as crucial greenhouse gas sources and sinks and have been extensively studied. Their emissions exhibit high spatial heterogeneity when measured on site using flux chambers. However, the mechanism by which this spatial variability behaves on a very fine scale remains unclear. This study investigates the fine-scale spatial variability of greenhouse gas emissions from a subantarctic Sphagnum peatland bog. Using a recently developed skirt chamber, methane emissions and ecosystem respiration (as carbon dioxide) were measured at a submeter scale resolution, at five specific 3 × 3 m plots, which were examined across the site throughout a single campaign during the Austral summer season. The results indicated that methane fluxes were significantly less homogeneously distributed compared with ecosystem respiration. Furthermore, we established that the spatial variation scale, i.e., the minimum spatial domain over which notable changes in methane emissions and ecosystem respiration occur, was <0.56 m2. Factors such as ground height relative to the water table and vegetation coverage were analyzed. It was observed that Tetroncium magellanicum exhibited a notable correlation with higher methane fluxes, likely because of the aerenchymatous nature of this species, facilitating gas transport. This study advances understanding of gas exchange patterns in peatlands but also emphasizes the need for further efforts for characterizing spatial dynamics at a very fine scale for precise greenhouse gas budget assessment.


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