

Faculty Member (Women only)

Advanced Genomics Unit, Cinvestav


We are recruiting talented female candidates who employ innovative approaches in biology and can develop or maintain an internationally recognized research program. As faculty members, applicants are expected to teach graduate courses, supervise graduate students, establish collaborations with other faculty members, and engage in institutional activities. 

The Advanced Genomics Unit (Unidad de Genómica Avanzada) of Cinvestav offers academic freedom, a transparent promotion plan with competitive salaries, laboratory and office spaces, and access to academic and technical services. Students of the Cinvestav Irapuato graduate programs in Plant Biotechnology and Integrative Biology receive full scholarships from the Mexican government. 

This position requires a Ph.D., a record of excellence in research, the potential to establish a competitively funded research program and the ability to teach at the graduate level. Candidates should share a commitment to excellence, diversity, gender equity, and inclusion. Only female candidates (or those who identify as such) will be considered in this call. 

Applicants should send a CV, PDFs of their three most significant publications, contact information for three references and a three-page description of their scientific accomplishments and proposed research program in one of the following research areas: Agrobiotechnology, Biodiversity, Ecology, Evolution, Computational Biology, Cell and Developmental Biology, Genetics, Genomics, Structural Biology and Systems Biology. 

Review of applications will begin in August 2024. Applications received by 1 November 2024 will receive first consideration. 

Please send application as a single PDF to the attention of Dr. Luis José Delaye Arredondo, Director of the Advanced Genomics Unit. Email: 

Download call here

Cinvestav © 2025
24/02/2025 10:03:20 a. m.