

Transcriptome-guided annotation and functional classification of long non-coding RNAs in Arabidopsis thaliana

22 de agosto de 2022


Les invitamos a leer el artículo: "Transcriptome-guided annotation and functional classification of long non-coding RNAs in Arabidopsis thaliana" de la Dra. Selene Fernández Valverde, Profesora Investigadora de la UGA-Langebio, junto con el Dr. Jose Antonio Corona Gomez Josian Corona, los doctorantes la M.C. Evelia Lorena Coss Navarrete Evelia Coss y el M.C. Irving Jair Garcia Lopez y el estudiante de maestría Jaime Alejandro Pérez Patiño.

Autores: Jose Antonio Corona‑Gomez, Evelia Lorena Coss‑Navarrete, Irving Jair Garcia‑Lopez, Christopher Klapproth, Jaime Alejandro Pérez‑Patiño & Selene L. Fernandez‑Valverde.

Felicitamos al estudiantado y profesorado que contribuyeron en esta investigación por su arduo trabajo.

Abstract: Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are a prominent class of eukaryotic regulatory genes. Despite the numerous available transcriptomic datasets, the annotation of plant lncRNAs remains based on dated annotations that have been historically carried over. We present a substantially improved annotation of Arabidopsis thaliana lncRNAs, generated by integrating 224 transcriptomes in multiple tissues, conditions, and developmental stages. We annotate 6764 lncRNA genes, including 3772 that are novel. We characterize their tissue expression patterns and find 1425 lncRNAs are co-expressed with coding genes, with enriched functional categories such as chloroplast organization, photosynthesis, RNA regulation, transcription, and root development. This improved transcription-guided annotation constitutes a valuable resource for studying lncRNAs and the biological processes they may regulate.

Keywords: Long non-coding RNAs, Sequence annotation.

Cinvestav © 2025
24/02/2025 10:04:30 a. m.