

Development and Cell Cycle Activity of the Root Apical Meristem in the Fern Ceratopteris richardii

08 de diciembre de 2020


Te invitamos a leer: “Development and Cell Cycle Activity of the Root Apical Meristem in the Fern Ceratopteris richardii” publicado en MDPI, a cargo del Dr. Alfredo Cruz-Ramírez, el Dr. Luis Herrera-Estrella y su equipo de trabajo de la UGA-Langebio.

Autores: Alejandro Aragón-Raygoza1,2, Alejandra Vasco3, Ikram Blilou4, Luis Herrera-Estrella2,5 and Alfredo Cruz-Ramírez1

  1. Molecular and Developmental Complexity Group at Unidad de Genómica Avanzada, Laboratorio Nacional de Genómica para la Biodiversidad, Cinvestav Sede Irapuato, Km. 9.6 Libramiento Norte Carretera, Irapuato-León, Irapuato 36821, Guanajuato, Mexico
  2. Metabolic Engineering Group, Unidad de Genómica Avanzada, Laboratorio Nacional de Genómica para la Biodiversidad, Cinvestav Sede Irapuato, Km. 9.6 Libramiento Norte Carretera, Irapuato-León, Irapuato 36821, Guanajuato, Mexico
  3. Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT), Fort Worth, TX 76107-3400, USA
  4. Laboratory of Plant Cell and Developmental Biology, Division of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Engineering (BESE), King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia
  5. Institute of Genomics for Crop Abiotic Stress Tolerance, Department of Plant and Soil Science, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409, USA

Felicitamos al estudiantado y profesorado que contribuyeron en esta investigación por su arduo trabajo.

Abstract: Ferns are a representative clade in plant evolution although underestimated in the genomic era. Ceratopteris richardii is an emergent model for developmental processes in ferns, yet a complete scheme of the different growth stages is necessary. Here, we present a developmental analysis, at the tissue and cellular levels, of the first shoot-borne root of Ceratopteris. We followed early stages and emergence of the root meristem in sporelings. While assessing root growth, the first shoot-borne root ceases its elongation between the emergence of the fifth and sixth roots, suggesting Ceratopteris roots follow a determinate developmental program. We report cell division frequencies in the stem cell niche after detecting labeled nuclei in the root apical cell (RAC) and derivatives after 8 h of exposure. These results demonstrate the RAC has a continuous mitotic activity during root development. Detection of cell cycle activity in the RAC at early times suggests this cell acts as a non-quiescent organizing center. Overall, our results provide a framework to study root function and development in ferns and to better understand the evolutionary history of this organ.

Keywords: plant development; embryogenesis Ceratopteris; determinate growth; root meristem; apical cell; merophytes; cell division

Cinvestav © 2025
24/02/2025 10:04:30 a. m.