

Construction of the axolotl cell landscape using combinatorial hybridization sequencing at single-cell resolution

27 de julio de 2022


Les invitamos a leer el artículo:  "Construction of the axolotl cell landscape using combinatorial hybridization sequencing at single-cell resolution", en colaboración con el Dr. Alfredo Cruz, Profesor Investigador de la UGA-Langebio.

Autores: Fang Ye, Guodong Zhang, Weigao E., Haide Chen, Chengxuan Yu, Lei Yang, Yuting Fu, Jiaqi Li, Sulei Fu, Zhongyi Sun, Lijiang Fei, Qile Guo, Jingjing Wang, Yanyu Xiao, Xinru Wang,
Peijing Zhang, Lifeng Ma, Dapeng Ge, Suhong Xu, Juan Caballero-Pérez, Alfredo Cruz-Ramírez, Yincong Zhou, Ming Chen, Ji-Feng Fei, Xiaoping Han & Guoji Guo.

Felicitamos al estudiantado y profesorado que contribuyeron en esta investigación por su arduo trabajo.

Abstract: The Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) is a well-established tetrapod model for regeneration and developmental studies. Remarkably, neotenic axolotls may undergo metamorphosis, a process that triggers many dramatic changes in diverse organs, accompanied by gradually decline of their regeneration capacity and lifespan. However, the molecular regulation and cellular changes in neotenic and metamorphosed axolotls are still poorly investigated. Here, we develop a single-cell sequencing method based on combinatorial hybridization to generate a tissue-based transcriptomic landscape of the neotenic and metamorphosed axolotls. We perform gene expression profiling of over 1 million single cells across 19 tissues to construct the first adult axolotl cell landscape. Comparison of single-cell transcriptomes between the tissues of neotenic and metamorphosed axolotls reveal the heterogeneity of non-immune parenchymal cells in different tissues and established their regulatory network. Furthermore, we describe dynamic gene expression patterns during limb development in neotenic axolotls. This system-level single-cell analysis of molecular characteristics in neotenic and metamorphosed axolotls, serves as a resource to explore the molecular identity of the axolotl and facilitates better understanding of metamorphosis.

Keywords: Biological models, Evolutionary developmental biology, RNA sequencing, Transcriptomics.

Cinvestav © 2025
24/02/2025 10:04:30 a. m.