
C. Lopez-Rubalcava - Effect of chronic unpredictable stress in female Wistar-Kyoto rats subjected to progesterone withdrawal: Relevance for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder neurobiology.


6 de julio del 2023

Invitamos a leer el artículo: "Effect of chronic unpredictable stress in female Wistar-Kyoto rats subjected to progesterone withdrawal: Relevance for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder neurobiology".

Autores: D. Islas-Preciado, C. Lopez-Rubalcava, E. Estrada-Camarena, P. de Gortari, M. Castro-García.

Abstract: Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is related to an abrupt drop in progesterone and impairments in the HPA axis that cause anxiety. Suffering persons report higher daily-life stress and anxiety proneness that may contribute to developing PMDD, considered a chronic stress-related disorder. Here, we explored the effect of chronic unpredictable stress (CUS) in rats subjected to progesterone withdrawal (PW) and evaluated gene expression of HPA axis activation in the stress-vulnerable Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rat strain that is prone to anxiety. Ovariectomized WKY rats were randomly assigned to CUS or Standard-housed conditions (SHC) for 30 days. To induce PW, animals received 2 mg/kg of progesterone on day 25th for 5 days; 24 h later, they were tested using the anxiety-like burying behavior test (BBT). After behavioral completion, rats were euthanized, and brains were extracted to measure Crh (PVN) and Nr3c1 (hippocampus) mRNA. Blood corticosterone and vasopressin levels were determined. Results showed that PW exacerbated anxiety-like behaviors through passive coping in CUSWKY. PW decreased Crh-PVN mRNA and the Nr3c1-hippocampal mRNA expression in SHC. CUS decreased Crh-PVN mRNA compared to SHC, and no further changes were observed by PW or BBT exposure. CUS reduced Nr3c1-hippocampal gene expression compared to SHC animals, and lower Nr3c1 mRNA was detected due to BBT. The PW increased corticosterone in SHC and CUS rats; however, CUS blunted corticosterone when combined with PW+BBT and similarly occurred in vasopressin concentrations. Chronic stress blunts the response of components of the HPA axis regulation when PW and BBT (systemic and psychogenic stressors, respectively) are presented. This response may facilitate less adaptive behaviors through passive coping in stress-vulnerable subjects in a preclinical model of premenstrual anxiety.

Keywords: Progesterone withdrawal HPA axis Wistar-Kyoto rats Premenstrual anxiety.


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