
Alonso Fernández Guasti- Multiparity favors same-sex partner preference in male rats


30 de diciembre del 2023

Invitamos a leer el artículo: " Multiparity favors same-sex partner preference in male rats", realizado por el Dr. Alonso Fernández Guasti, Investigador de Cinvestav Sede Sur

Autores: Alejandra Hernández, Kurt Hoffman, Rebeca Reyes, Alonso Fernández Guasti

Abstract: Same-sex partner preference is present in many mammals, including rodents. Several possible causal factors have been proposed for the establishment of this preference. The Fraternal Birth Order effect refers to the observation that older brothers increase the probability of homosexuality in men, but no experiment has analyzed this possibility. In this study, partner preference (tested in a three compartments box) and female and male sexual behavior (studied in a cylindrical arena) were evaluated in young male rats (3 months) born to multiparous mothers that had 4-6 previous gestations and around 12 months of age. Control groups were young male rats born to primiparous young (4 months) or aged (12 months) mothers. In the partner preference test, the males born to multiparous dams spent less time interacting with the receptive female and more time interacting with the sexually active male, and a 39% exhibited same-sex partner preference. This high percentage seems related to multiparity of their mothers and not to maternal age, because the males born to primiparous aged females (12 months) showed a similar low proportion of same-sex partner preference than the males born to young (4 months) primiparous females (4%). In the sexual behavior tests, no male born of a multiparous dam and with same-sex preference ejaculated and 54% displayed proceptivity and lordosis. Present results suggest that the fraternal birth order effect may occur also in rats.

Keywords:  Sex preference, Multiparity, Rat male and female sexual behavior, Fraternal birth order effect


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