Directorio de investigación

Juan de Dios Figueroa Cárdenas

Juan de Dios Figueroa Cárdenas

Investigador titular

Doctor en Ciencias (1990),
North Dakota State University, Estados Unidos
Nivel III del SNI
Tel. 44221199015


  • MS y PhD. North Dakota State Univ. Tec & Applied Agr. Sci 1987-1990.
  • Quím., Tec Cereales, Bioquím. Estadística.
  • Premios: 1er-lugar Desarrollo Tec-Qro-96-97-02. Coca-Cola-94. Fulbright-09. 2012: Texture Tech Res Award. Yum-Kaak. Alejandrina. Brabender-14. Fco Vela Univ. Sn Carlos Guate-18 Global Quality Award-19 Medalla Mérito-20. Premio Hgo-22

Líneas de Investigación

  • Nixtamalización (Tradicional, Clasica y Ecológica) en frío, húmeda y seca en la producción de tortilla. Pan leudado de maíz, y granos gluten-free. Reología, Microondas, óhmico, ultrasonidos, IR, NIR, Rayos-X, SEM, DSC. Procesamiento de cereales

Proyectos relevantes

  • Invest. y desarrollo tec. Cinvestav-Cargill. 1996-2000. Patentes Mex 210991. Patente Intl PCT No. WO03/045154 A1. Regs 150 países 2003.
  • Razas de maíces de México y del mundo. 2003.
  • Proyecto Irlanda. Pollution free processes for tortilla, 2015.
  • Proyecto PepsiCo. Corn for nixtamalization. 2016.

Publicaciones recientes o relevantes

  • Narváez-González E.D., Figueroa J.D.C., Taba S., Castaño T.E., Martínez P.R.A., Rincón S.F. 2006. Relationships between microstructure, physical features and chemical composition of different maize accesions from Latin America. Cereal Chem. 83(6):595-604.
  • Campechano C.EM., Figueroa J.D.C., Arámbula V.G., Martínez F.H.E., Jiménez S.J.S., and Luna B.J.G. 2012. New ecological nixtamalisation process for tortilla production and its impact on the chemical properties of whole corn flour and wastewater efluents. ISSN 0950-5423 International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 47:564-571.
  • Figueroa J.D.C., Hernández Z.J.E., Rayas-Duarte P., and Peña R.J. 2013. Stress relaxation and creep recovery tests performed on wheat kernels versus doughs:Influence of glutenins on rheological and quality properties. Cereal Foods World 58(3):139-144.
  • Rosalía Reynoso-Camacho.,Guadalupe Guerrero-Villanueva., Juan de Dios Figueroa., Marco A. Gallegos-Corona., Sandra Mendoza., Guadalupe Loarca-Piña., Minerva Ramos-Gómez.2015. Anticarcinogenic effect of corn tortilla against 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH)-induced colon carcinogenesis in Sprague–Dawley rats. Plant Foods Hum Nutr 70:146-152. DOI 10.1007/s11130-015-0471-z.
  • Hernández-Estrada, Z.J., Rayas-Duarte, P., Figueroa-Cárdenas, JD. (2017). Creep recovery of wet gluten and high molecular-weight glutening composition: Relationship with viscoelasticity of dough and breadmaking quality of hard red Winter wheat. Cereal Chem. 94(2):223-229. ISSN:00090352.
  • Santiago-Ramos, D., Figueroa-Cárdenas, J.D., Mariscal-Moreno, R.M., Escalante-Aburto, A., Ponce-García, N., and Véles-Medina, J.J. (2018). Physcial and chemical changes undergone by pericarp and endosperm during nixtamalziation-A Review. Journal of Cereal Science. 81:108-117. 0733-5210/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. ISSN:07335210
  • Rincón-Aguirre, J.A., Figueroa-Cárdenas J.D.C., Ramírez-Wong, B., Arámbula-Villa, G., Jiménez-Sandoval, S.J., Martínez-Flores, H.E., and Pérez-Robles, J.F. (2021). Effect of nixtamalization with Ca(OH)2, CaCl2, and CaCO3 on the protein secondary structure, rehological, and textural properties od soft wheat flour doughs. Journal of Cereal Science 101(2021:103271.
  • Canelo-Álvarez, F., Figueroa-Cárdenas, J.D., Martínez-Cruz, E., Pérez-Robles, J.F., Arámbula-Villa, G. Mariscal-Moreno, R.M., Véles-Medina, J.J. 2023. Effect of nixtamalization on gluten-free whole corn, dough viscoelasticity, and bread-making quality of levened corn bread. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science. 31-100648.



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