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Transcriptomic analysis of Chaetoceros muelleri in response to different nitrogen concentrations reveals the activation of pathways to enable efficient nitrogen uptake

Damaristelma de Jesús Campos, Luis Fernando García Ortega, Diana Fimbres Olivarría, Luis Herrera Estrella, José Antonio López Elías, Corina Hayano Kanashiro


Te invitamos a leer el artículo "Transcriptomic analysis of Chaetoceros muelleri in response to different nitrogen concentrations reveals the activation of pathways to enable efficient nitrogen uptake" publicado "Gene", en el que colaboró Luis Fernando García Ortega de Cinvestav Irapuato.


Damaristelma de Jesús Campos, Luis Fernando García Ortega, Diana Fimbres Olivarría, Luis Herrera Estrella, José Antonio López Elías, Corina Hayano Kanashiro


Nitrogen is the principal nutrient deficiency that increases lipids and carbohydrate content in diatoms but negatively affects biomass production. Marine diatom Chaetoceros muelleri is characterized by lipid and carbohydrate accumulation under low nitrogen concentration without affecting biomass. To elucidate the molecular effects of nitrogen concentrations, we performed an RNA-seq analysis of C. muelleri grown under four nitrogen concentrations (3.53 mM, 1.76 mM, 0.44 mM, and 0.18 mM of NaNO3). This research revealed that changes in global transcription in C. muelleri are differentially expressed by nitrogen concentration. “Energetic metabolism”, “Carbohydrate metabolism” and “Lipid metabolism” pathways were identified as the most upregulated by N deficiency. Due to N limitation, alternative pathways to self-supply nitrogen employed by microalgal cells were identified. Additionally, nitrogen limitation decreased chlorophyll content and caused a greater response at the transcriptional level with a higher number of unigenes differentially expressed. By contrast, the highest N concentration (3.53 mM) recorded the lowest number of differentially expressed genes. Amt1, Nrt2, Fad2, Skn7, Wrky19, and Dgat2 genes were evaluated by RT-qPCR. In conclusion, C. muelleri modify their metabolic pathways to optimize nitrogen utilization and minimize nitrogen losses. On the other hand, the assembled transcriptome serves as the basis for metabolic engineering focused on improving the quantity and quality of the diatom for biotechnological applications. However, proteomic and metabolomic analysis is also required to compare gene expression, protein, and metabolite accumulation.

Cinvestav © 2025
21/02/2025 04:52:45 p. m.