

How to awaken a sleeping giant: antagonistic expression of Flowering locus T homologs and elements of the age-related pathway are associated with the flowering transition in Agave tequilana

Laura Hernández Soriano, Laura Gálvez Sandre, Emmanuel Ávila de Dios y June Simpson


Te invitamos a leer el artículo "How to awaken a sleeping giant: antagonistic expression of Flowering locus T homologs and elements of the age-related pathway are associated with the flowering transition in Agave tequilana" publicado en "Plant Reproduction", a cargo de la Dra. June Simpson de Cinvestav Irapuato.


Laura Hernández Soriano, Laura Gálvez Sandre, Emmanuel Ávila de Dios y June Simpson 

Flowering in commercial plantations of Agave tequilana signals that plants are ready to harvest for tequila production. However, time of flowering is often unpredictable and a detailed understanding of the process would be beneficial in the field, for breeding and for the development of future research. This report describes the functional analysis of A. tequilana FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) genes by heterologous expression in A. thaliana and in situ hybridization in agave plants. The gene structures of the Agave tequilana FT family are also described and putative regulatory promoter elements were identified. Most Agave species have monocarpic, perennial life cycles that can last over 25 years during which plants do not respond to the normal environmental signals which induce flowering, suggesting that the ageing pathway as described in Arabidopsis may play an important role in determining flowering time in these species. Elements of this pathway were analyzed and in silico data is presented that supports the regulation of SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING LIKE proteins (SPL), APETALA2 (AP2) proteins and members of Plant Glycoside Hydrolase Family 32 (PGHF32) by interactions with miRNAs 156, 172 and 164 during the initiation of flowering in A. tequilana.

Cinvestav © 2025
21/02/2025 04:52:45 p. m.