

Genetic modification of Candida maltosa, a non-pathogenic CTG species, reveals EFG1 function

Marco Chávez Tinoco, Luis F. García Ortega and Eugenio Mancera


Te invitamos a leer el artículo "Genetic modification of Candida maltosa, a non-pathogenic CTG species, reveals EFG1 function"  publicado en Microbiology, en el que participaron Marco Chávez Tinoco, Luis F. García Ortega y el Dr. Eugenio Mancera de la Unidad Irapuato.


Marco Chávez Tinoco, Luis F. García Ortega and Eugenio Mancera


Candida maltosa is closely related to important pathogenic Candida species, especially C. tropicalis and C. albicans, but it has been rarely isolated from humans. For this reason, through comparative studies, it could be a powerful model to understand the genetic underpinnings of the pathogenicity of Candida species. Here, we generated a cohesive assembly of the C. maltosa genome and developed genetic engineering tools that will facilitate studying this species at a molecular level. We used a combination of short and long-read sequencing to build a polished genomic draft composed of 14 Mbp, 45 contigs and close to 5700 genes. This assembly represents a substantial improvement from the currently available sequences that are composed of thousands of contigs. Genomic comparison with C. albicans and C. tropicalis revealed a substantial reduction in the total number of genes in C. maltosa. However, gene loss seems not to be associated to the avirulence of this species given that most genes that have been previously associated with pathogenicity were also present in C. maltosa. To be able to edit the genome of C. maltosa we generated a set of triple auxotrophic strains so that gene deletions can be performed similarly to what has been routinely done in pathogenic Candida species. As a proof of concept, we generated gene knockouts of EFG1, a gene that encodes a transcription factor that is essential for filamentation and biofilm formation in C. albicans and C. tropicalis. Characterization of these mutants showed that Efg1 also plays a role in biofilm formation and filamentous growth in C. maltosa, but it seems to be a repressor of filamentation in this species. The genome assembly and auxotrophic mutants developed here are a key step forward to start using C. maltosa for comparative and evolutionary studies at a molecular level.


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21/02/2025 04:52:45 p. m.