

Chapter 21 - Amaranth Part 2—Sustainable Crop for the 21st Century: Food Properties and Nutraceuticals for Improving Human Health

Domancar Orona Tamayo, Octavio Paredes Lopez


Te invitamos a leer el artículo "Amaranth Part 2—Sustainable Crop for the 21st Century: Food Properties and Nutraceuticals for Improving Human Health"  publicado en el capitulo 21 del libro "Sustainable Protein Sources", a cargo del Dr. Octavio Paredes López de la Unidad Irapuato.


Domancar Orona Tamayo, Octavio Paredes Lopez


Amaranth seeds have a high content of bioactive compounds with remarkable nutritional and nutraceutical positive potential for human health. Their composition includes key proteins, some interesting essential amino acids, lipids, carbohydrates, dietary fibers, and important phytochemicals. Over the last few decades, amaranth has been considered the most promising plant due to its agronomic performance, protein quality, and essential amino acids of its seeds being superior to other important cereals. Globulins are the main protein fraction containing valuable amounts of essential amino acids. When amaranth proteins are subjected to enzymatic proteolysis by food processing, bioactive peptides are released and their absorption may bring benefits to health. The functional properties of the bioactive peptides, including their antihypertensive and antioxidant properties, may prevent the onset of cardiovascular diseases and favor other outstanding health benefits. The use of prediction of sequence peptides and other molecular tools is giving place to genetic transformation and modifications, which may lead to the improvement of the nutraceutical potential of these proteins.


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21/02/2025 04:52:45 p. m.