

Analysis of the growth of sugarcane cultivars through the evaluation of yield and dry matter

José Izquierdo Hernández, Samuel Córdova Sánchez, Luz del Carmen Lagunes Espinoza, David Jesus Palma López, Juan José Peña Cabriales


Te invitamos a leer el artículo "Analysis of the growth of sugarcane cultivars through the evaluation of yield and dry matter"  publicado en Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems, en el que colaboró el Dr. Juan José Peña Cabriales de la Unidad Irapuato.


José Izquierdo Hernández, Samuel Córdova Sánchez, Luz del Carmen Lagunes Espinoza, David Jesus Palma López, Juan José Peña Cabriales


Background: The production of aboveground biomass of sugarcane is mainly due to the interactions between edaphic, climatic, and genetic factors. Objective: To evaluate the growth of three sugarcane cultivars through the evaluation of yield and dry matter accumulation, during the template and soca cultivation cycles, in the supply area of the Santa Rosalía de la Chontalpa Sugar Mill. Methodology: In the supply area of the Santa Rosalia de la Chontalpa Sugar Mill (ISRCH), Tabasco, an experiment was established under rainfed conditions, during two cycles (plantilla and soca), with three cultivars (MEX69-290, MEX79-431 and CP72-2086), established in a eutric Fluvisol soil. In each plot, five observation sites of 30 x 30 m were set up, in which the production of stems and biomass was determined. Results: In the plant cycle, the cane yield at 450 days after sowing (DAS) followed the following order CP72-2086> MEX79-431> MEX69-290 with 144.73, 130.09 and 94.18 t ha-1, respectively. On the contrary, in ratoon 360 days after harvest (DAH), MEX69-290 presented higher stem yield. In ratoon cycle, the stems yield decreased 14.5, 30.9 and 32.5% for MEX69-290, MEX79-431 and CP72-2086, respectively, compared to the plant cycle. The maximum absolute growth rate reached by the evaluated cultivars was 187, 192 and 262 kg ha-1 day-1 at 210 DAS in the plant cycle and 193, 177 and 151 kg ha-1 day-1 at 180 DAH in ratoon cycle for MEX69-290, CP72-2086 and MEX79-431, respectively. Implications: This allows knowing the growth rate of sugarcane cultivation in the humid tropics. Conclusions: The yield and harvest index of sugarcane varies with respect to the age of the crop (Cycle) and the cultivar.


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21/02/2025 04:52:45 p. m.