

PhD Summer School on Host-Microbe Symbioses 2025

6–19 July 2025


Host-microbe interactions shape each other’s physiology, ecology, and evolution. Human health, for instance, can be strongly influenced by the symbiotic microbial community. The impact of these interactions extends to the ecology of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. This is an expanding field of research in biology and there is a current need to summarize and integrate the knowledge that is being generated, and to extrapolate general principles to be incorporated in future innovative research projects. This Summer School aims at training the next generations of researchers in host-microbe symbioses.

The SymbNET PhD Summer School on Host-microbe Symbioses 2025 is for PhD students from diverse geographies and academic backgrounds, interested in acquiring in depth understanding of the field of Host-Microbe Symbioses from different perspectives. The Summer School is designed to teach concepts, identify new research questions, and present state of the art approaches in host-microbe symbiosis. It will consist of lectures from experts in the field, incorporating a variety of research models and topics. It will also involve the conceptual development of new research projects, by the students. The project exercise aims to promote thinking deeply about questions, future directions, and creative research approaches.

The Summer School will be two weeks long, with at least 20 lecturers and 35 international PhD students, fostering a continuous and strong interaction between faculty and students. The students will acquire critical knowledge for their future choice of research direction.

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