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The DNA methyltransferase inhibitor decitabine blunts the response to a high-animal fat and protein diet in mice



Te invitamos a leer el artículo "The DNA methyltransferase inhibitor decitabine blunts the response to a high-animal fat and protein diet in mice" publicado en Journal of Lipid Research, a cargo del profesor investigador Dr. Robert Winkler y su equipo de trabajo de la UGA.

Autores: José de Jesús Flores-Sierra / Magaly del Rosario Muciño-Arellano / Gloria del Carmen Romo-Morales / Jaime Eduardo Sánchez-Palafox / Viridiana Abigail Correa-Navarro / Dannia Colín-Castelán / 
Victoriano Pérez-Vázquez / Rubén Rangel-Salazar / Rafael Rivera-Bustamante / Carmen de la Rocha / Dalia Rodríguez-Ríos / Diana Lilia Trejo-Saavedra / Jorge Molina-Torres / Enrique Ramírez-Chávez /
Nancy Shyrley García-Rojas / Robert Winkler / Gertrud Lund 

  1. Division of Health Sciences, Department of Medical Sciences, Leon Campus, University of Guanajuato, Leon, Mexico

  2. Tecnológico Nacional de México ITS de Purísima del Rincón, Purísima del Rincón, Guanajuato, Mexico

  3. Department of Genetic Engineering, Cinvestav Irapuato Unit, Irapuato, Mexico

  4. Department of Biotechnology and Biochemistry, Cinvestav Irapuato Unit, Irapuato, Mexico

  5. Unit for Advanced Genomics, Cinvestav, Irapuato, Mexico

Felicitamos al estudiantado y profesorado que contribuyeron en esta investigación por su arduo trabajo.


Increasing evidence hints that DNA hypermethylation may mediate the pathogenic response to cardiovascular risk factors. Here, we tested a corollary of that hypothesis, that is, that the DNA methyltransferase inhibitor decitabine (Dec) ameliorates the metabolic profile of mice fed a moderately high-animal fat and protein diet (HAFPD), a proxy of cardiovascular risk–associated Western-type diet. HAFPD-fed mice were exposed to Dec or vehicle for eight weeks (8W set, 4–32/group). To assess any memory of past exposure to Dec, we surveyed a second mice set treated as 8W but HAFPD-fed for further eight weeks without any Dec (16W set, 4–20/group). In 8W, Dec markedly reduced HAFPD-induced body weight gain in females, but marginally in males. Characterization of females revealed that Dec augmented skeletal muscle lipid content, while decreasing liver fat content and increasing plasma nonesterified fatty acids, adipose insulin resistance, and—although marginally—whole blood acylcarnitines, compared to HAFPD alone. Skeletal muscle mitochondrial DNA copy number was higher in 8W mice exposed to HAFPD and Dec, or in 16W mice fed HAFPD only, relative to 8W mice fed HAFPD only, but Dec induced a transcriptional profile indicative of ameliorated mitochondrial function. Memory of past Dec exposure was tissue-specific and sensitive to both duration of exposure to HAFPD and age. In conclusion, Dec redirected HAFPD-induced lipid accumulation toward the skeletal muscle, likely due to augmented mitochondrial functionality and increased lipid demand. As caveat, Dec induced adipose insulin resistance. Our findings may help identifying strategies for prevention and treatment of lipid dysmetabolism. 

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11/11/2024 01:41:23 p. m.